Classic UI Clipboard

Add to Clipboard

To add to clipboard first copy the required action.

Then Click the 'Add to Clipboard' menu option. A popup should open, enter the name to be stored in the clipboard and save.

Add to Flow

To add to your flow click the actions name in the list.

To add the action/container to the flow Power DevBox Utility will imitate pasting into the flow (pressing Ctrl + v), your browser will most likely show you this for security reasons. You can see the action json code in the alert input box.

To continue click Ok and the action/container will be added to the end of the flow.

You will also see the action/container added to the internal Power Automate clipboard for future use.

If the action/container fails to be added you can add manually. Select the add new action, Clipboard, and then press 'Ctrl + v', the action should appear in the list (like above), for you to select and add.


To delete a saved action/container from the clipboard click the trach can next to the action name.


Clipboard items can be exported and then imported into other Power DevBox Utility versions. Click the export icon

Last updated