
The diagram file creates a visual representation of the flow.

The diagram can be zoomed in and out by dragging the top slider.


Each action type is represented on diagram by a different shape/colour, this information can be found on the key (Click key icon on the left bar).

To show progress within containers a standard line connects the contents, a dotted line connects the action after the container.


Clicking on each action withing the diagram will show a popup with key information about the action.

  • Name

  • ID - operationMetadataId from definition, note not all actions have a operationMetadataId

  • Type - type of action, unlike other files this does not replace OpenApiConnections with the operationId

  • Step - operationId from definition

  • Index - unique reference generated sequentially from the definition, in other files known as Id

  • Detail - all inputs

  • Tier - standard or premium license required to use

  • Filter - any query's for GetItems

  • Pagination - if Pagination is turned on shows row limit

  • Retry - if none default retry policy shows the policy

  • Timeout - retry timeout

  • Notes - notes added to action (not comments), only shows if has a note

Side Header

The side bar has 3 main buttons:

Save SVG (down arrow)

Saves a copy of the diagram as svg (loses interactive functionality i.e. popups).


Shows the key with explanation for all actions.


Downloads a copy of the diagram file. When a review is open it is linked to AutoReview so if saved through the browser all flow information will be lost. Downloading separates the diagram and ensures the values are permanent.

Next Step - Exceptions

Last updated