
The Complexity is a value set to give higher weights to certain connectors. As certain connectors use more api calls or require higher technical understanding to debug.

Negative values can be given, in default scopes are given negative values as they help make the flow more organised and easy to debug

The connection information can be seen in the definition file, this information is then used in the config file.


 "type": "OpenApiConnection",
    "inputs": {
        "host": {
        "apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_excelonlinebusiness",
        "connectionName": "shared_excelonlinebusiness_1",
        "operationId": "GetItems"

The information above can be found in your flows definition file. AutoReview has an export definition feature so you can see your flows definition.

There are 3 levels to the scoring

1. Action specific

If you have a particular action you want to score e.g. SharePoint get_items, then you need to set the name as 'operationId' & 'connectionName' (this is because different connections share same operation e.g. bot excel and SharePoint have GetItems opertionId).

In the example you would set the name to 'GetItemsshared_excelonelinebusiness' (the '_1' should be ignored, as this is a reference to a connection reference as the example is in a solution).

Action specific should be the top of the array, as AutoReview will pick the first found, and if its below a Type it will return the type complexity score instead.

2. Type

All actions fall into a type category. The full list can be found her Power Automate Schema

So in the above example the name would be 'OpenApiConnection'

3. Default

If a Action Specific value or Type cant be found a value of 1 will be given.

Next Step - Naming Convention

Naming Convention

Additional Reading - Default values

Complexity Default Values

Last updated