
Scoring is the split for the Overall Rating . Currently the colour grading is set to 0-74 Red, 75-89 Amber, 90+ Green, at present this can not be changed.

There are a few different scoring calculations, which currently cant be changed (the values can be changed, but the calculation formula cant). Each has a description to explain, some examples are

Basic Score

    "Note":"score added for exception scope"

If passes exception scope test scores 10 points

      "Note":"score added for naming variables with value in all capitals"

If all variables with initialized variable name are all capitals then 5 points (e.g. sTIMESTAMP).

Threshold Score

      "Note":"score given for variables before deductions"
      "Note":"minimum allowed variables before deductions"
      "Note":"score added for exception scope"

For every variable above 0 deduct 1 point from 10 (will not go below 0).

Ratings Score

    "Note":"score added for red scoring complexity"
    "Note":"score added for amber scoring complexity"
    "Note":"score added green scoring complexity"

These are directly linked to the rating, so if complexity card was red 0 points, Amber 15 points, Green 20 points.

There currently isn't a 100% validation so you can over score over 100 if you config it to do so.

Further Reading - Default Values

Scoring Default Values

Last updated